What Is Intuitive Lifting

Intuitive What? What is intuitive lifting you ask? No program is perfect. The body is continually changing and dealing with new stressors; a program that was written in stone cannot keep up with these changes. This is where intuitive lifting comes into play. This doesn’t mean you don’t follow a well thought out program, but…

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4 Movements to Fix to Feel Better

Have you ever tried to do something and feel like there is a limitation? Like reaching up to grab something from the top shelf or every time you want to play the game of putting on your shoes without sitting down first, that’s one of my personal favorites. Fixing a…

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Tip: How to Row Correctly

The ability to pull correctly will go a long way in keeping your shoulders happy and healthy. Often what happens with a row, vertical or horizontal, you will see people mindlessly going through the motion and not feeling it in their lats and mid back. The other things you will…

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The Deep Squat and Strawberries

The other day I found myself picking strawberries. What I mean by the other day is about three weeks ago, and what I mean by picking strawberries is my wife had the idea of picking strawberries. What I am trying to say is that my opening sentence was a lie…

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Why Movement Is Important

Movement is a beautiful thing. Because of movement, we can experience the joys of life. From walking on the beach on a cool summer evening to climbing to the top of a mountain and enjoying the splendor of the world around us to crouching down to pick up your child…

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Functionally Fit: Hiking

One of my favorite ways to stay fit is by hiking. I love the challenge of climbing the highest peak in all the lands. The quiet presence of the forest and the peaceful sound of a running brook help calm my ever racing mind. It also helps that hiking is hard…

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4 Secrets to Move and Feel Better

If there was something you could do every day that would make you move and feel better would you do it? Would you trust it enough, would you stick with it? We all want to move and feel better but do you put the time in, the effort into seeing your desires…

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