7 Lessons I Learned On My Second Weight Loss Journey

weight loss journey

Last August I set out on my second weight loss journey, and unlike the first time I lost weight this time my goal was to enjoy the ride.

I didn’t start this journey because I felt like it would make me a better person or make me feel better about who I am. I had tried that in the past and though it did help it was not the solution. You can read more about that here.

I set out on this path once more for two reasons.

1. Because of this line, “Small dogs live longer.”* Now I don’t know if that holds true precisely for human beings like myself. But it makes some level of sense. The less weight you carry on your joints and body long term should help you feel and move better.

2. To live a happier healthier life, this is a loaded goal. What I was trying to accomplish was a balance of activity that left me feeling strong, capable, and health and find a balance of nutrition that was sustainable and allowed me the flexibility of being social and enjoying delicious, food smothered in all the pleasing fats this world has to offer.


My Weight Loss Journey 

weight loss journey

Here it is from beginning to end, taking a little over a year.


7 Lessons Learned On My Weight Loss Journey 

  1. Don’t Quit Too Soon: In the beginning, motivation is high, that is great for a while you are still figuring things out. For me, it took two months to hit my stride. If I weren’t highly motivated, I would have quite from the frustration of every week my weight going up and down seemingly with no method to its madness. I was told once that over half the hiker quite the Appalachian train during the first quarter of the journey. As you stick with it, it gets easier.
  2. Keep It Positive: It is easy to focus on all that you are giving up. I have to eat less, or I have to find time to be active. Instead look at it as what you are gaining. Such as having time for yourself, moving better, and a better understanding of why you eat as you do.
  3. Less Is More: During this journey, I only worked out three days a week for 30 to 50 minutes. Mostly strength training. On the off days, I stayed active by going for walks, hikes, and doing work around the house. I used the extra time to make sure I was eating healthy meals. You don’t need to work out five or six days a week. Put the prioriaty in staying active and moving daily.
  4. Food Log In Waves: I think food logging is the best way to lose weight. But it needs to be done in waves. When I started, I did six weeks and then took a few months off. I then did a 3-month stretch and then I took five months off. I used it as needed, and when I felt I had a grasp on my nutrition I went off it and when I started to slip or my motivation was hight I took it back up.
  5. Accept The Plateau: It is going to happen. You will hit a plateau and how you accept it or not will dictate your journey. I hit one around the holidays and picked back up around early February (didn’t want to be cliche and start in January). Plateaus will happen for two reasons loss of motivation and environmental pressures. Mine was both motivation and holiday get together. I decided not to fight it and maintain through the holidays and pick up at a later date.
  6. Enjoy What You Have: Take advantage of the body you do have, and appreciate all that it can do. I am grateful that I can mow my lawn, go for hikes (moderate not like tough ones like Kilimanjaro or anything), and being able to express movement with little to no restrictions.
  7. The Journey Is Richer Than The End: As I stepped on the scale and saw the number hit below 200lbs I was content. That’s it after all that hard work I was content. There was no build up of emotion or a dropping to my knees in overwhelming joy. It was just an “O, look at that.” This was just a cairn for me a marking point. The joy’s happened in the self-discovery and learning between point A and point B.

The journey doesn’t end at the end. It goes on. I will take these lessons with me and apply them to other stretches of my journey. I hope that some of these lessons will help you on yours too.

Your Fitness Sherap,

P.S Want to get started on your own Fitness Journey come to Kim and I’s workshop. Early bird ends this Friday. Click Me

*From Bill Hartman’s book “All Gain No Pain.”

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