Do You Have Enough Ankle Mobility?

Ankle mobility plays a big roll in walking, running, squatting, and everyday movements. If you have ever sprained your ankle, you know how it feels to go through life with an ankle that is limited in mobility. You can recall how hard it was to go up and down stairs or…

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Are You Working Hard Enough?

Have you ever wondered if you are working hard enough? If all of the hours put into the gym or running on the asphalt are getting you any closer to your goal. I know I have. Knowing that you are getting closer to your goal is motivating it shows you that…

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Building Context with Warmups

Warmups are often looked over as not being an essential part of the workout process. I don’t know if this is because they are simple, easy, not involving lots of weight. I am not sure. I will talk about how great warmups are till I die and people will still think they can…

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