Bottoms Up Kettlebell For Stronger Shoulders

Bottoms Up Kettlebell For Stronger Shoulders grip

Shoulder health and grip strength go hand in hand, see what I did there?

I love bottoms up variations for this very reason. The bottoms-up variation forces you to grip hard. If you don’t, you will end up with a chunk of iron on the back side of your wrist or the kettlebell finding a sweet soft landing spot on your face, so there is also built-in motivation for a bounce.

The Bottoms Up Set Up 

  1. You have to make sure the shoulder is centered in the socket.
  2. Then you grip the hell out of the kettlebell
  3. Then you move

This order is crucial. The grip will engage the shoulder muscle, keeping it real simple, if you engage them with the shoulder not centered you are not doing yourself any favors. Think of griping as cementing the movement in place. We don’t want to cement bad posture or movement.

Give them a try and let me know what you think.

Your Fitness Sherpa,

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