Building Context with Warmups

Building Context with Warmups

Warmups are often looked over as not being an essential part of the workout process. I don’t know if this is because they are simple, easy, not involving lots of weight. I am not sure.

I will talk about how great warmups are till I die and people will still think they can throw 300 bills on a bar, and nothing terrible is going to happen. The sweet kiss of ignorance is intoxicating indeed.

Back to the point of this article.

One area that warmups are underused is in building context. It is impossible to create a good movement context when you have 300 pounds on your back. Your body is in a fight or flight mode, get this thing off me before we die, not in a let us learn what this feels like with proper movement.

Steps to Building Context with Warmups 

  1. Practice the movement pattern that you are struggling with unweighted
  2. Remember how that movement felt
  3. Add resistance once you can do the movement cleanly and consistently

Give it a try and let me know what you think.

Your Fitness Sherpa,

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