Functionally Fit: Hiking


One of my favorite ways to stay fit is by hiking. I love the challenge of climbing the highest peak in all the lands. The quiet presence of the forest and the peaceful sound of a running brook help calm my ever racing mind.

It also helps that hiking is hard and half the time all I am thinking about is how hard hiking is and why did I believe hiking was a good idea. The only gratification I get is the brief, fleeting moment where I have reached the top and feel as if I have conquered mother nature.

I know it may be hard to believe, but there was a time I didn’t enjoy hiking. I know some are thinking “It doesn’t sound like you enjoy hiking now” and all I’ll say to that is it’s complicated. But I grew to love hike for the challenge, the sense of accomplishment, the feeling of being one with my natural self, and that brief, oh so fleeting moment of kicking mother nature in the balls.

If you are looking to enjoy the beautiful outdoors and see what this world has to offer, try these five exercises to get fit for hiking.

Side note: if your knees suck I would highly recommend walking poles. I know they look ridiculous but they will help save your knees by taking up to 20% of your weight off, and you can also use them to fight off bears. I don’t know if that last part is correct or not.

Exercises To Do

Step-Ups (3-4×10-12 each): This is a very similar motion to walking up steep inclines. Step-ups will work your hip stabilizers as well as your quads and glutes.

Racked Carries (3-4×40+ yds): Long carries will help teach you to walk and carry load properly, strengthening your core as well as teaching you to stabilize your legs under load.

Eccentric Ham Curls (3-4×10-15): Strengthening your hamstrings and working them in the eccentric phase of the movement will help when descending a mountant.

Fan Bike Sprints (15 on 15 off 4 minutes): Hiking is hard, and it will test you mentally and physically. The fan bike will do the same thing. By doing high-intensity sprints, you will work your aerobic capacity which will help you scramble up the steepest mountains.

Curls (3- whatever x All Day): If you want to look good with a sleeveless shirt on or show mother nature what you got, you need arms to show off.

Your Fitness Sherpa

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