Coffee Shop and A Gym: Why You Need Them

coffee gym

Photo by Meghan Holmes on Unsplash

Is a $2.57 coffee worth it?

The last few weeks I have started going to the coffee shop again after two years of making my coffee for $0.10 a cup. I have come back for a few reasons.

The most significant being there is a puppy in the house, and I can’t get any work or relaxation, which is one in the same for me, done with the little ball of fluff trying to dismantle anything that resembles a toy, so that leaves everything.

What do I get when I enter the coffee shop other than coffee that tastes good and comes with a higher price tag?

I get focused work done while bumping elbows with locals; when I pay for the coffee, I know I have to get at least get my money’s worth. That means creating a piece of content that will help others.

You pay for the environment that will produce better results. The gym is no different.

Three Reasons You Need A Gym 

1. Environment Matters:

The environment needs to be conducive to your goals. Coffee shops equal relaxation and productivity to me. A gym is a place to workout that is about it; there are weights and machines that are designed to make you work.

The environment must support your goal.

2. Focused Attention:

There is a good chance if you show up to the gym you are not going to think “O I should take the trash out right now or I should dust under the couch.” where that would be the case at home.

3. Putting Money Down:

Not everyone is as cheap frugal as me. There is a real feeling of commitment when you put money down. Paying for a service will motivate you to get your money’s worth.

If you are struggling to find time to workout or not getting results and are trying to do it alone, stop. There is a better way.

Results This Way

Your Fitness Sherpa,

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