The Deep Squat and Strawberries

Deep Squat

The other day I found myself picking strawberries. What I mean by the other day is about three weeks ago, and what I mean by picking strawberries is my wife had the idea of picking strawberries.

What I am trying to say is that my opening sentence was a lie and I was forcefully dragged into an open field and put to work.

As I worked the fields with the hot summer sun beating down on my back, I tried many positions to get comfortable to pick these little red treasures effectively.

I tried sitting, nope not mobile enough to move from one spot to another and left my butt covered in dirt and the blood of the berries I just killed.

So I tried lying down, much more comfortable for napping but was as if I had learned nothing from sitting. Much harder to get from place to place and now my side was covered in dirt and the blood of the berries I just killed.

I tried one last position, the Deep Squat. I lowered myself down till I felt my butt touch the back side of my hamstrings and calves, I must admit it was a foreign feeling. In this new position I could quickly move from place to place, and I minimized the slaughter of innocent berries to a minimum.

How to Deep Squat and Save A Berries Life


Foot Position

The Deep Squat position will not be the same foot position as a Squat done for maximal weight. In most cases, the legs are closer together under the hips, and the feet are more externally rotated, but not always.

Getting Comfortable

After you find your foot and leg position the next step is to see what Squat variation will give you the maximal depth. It is normal not to be able to Squat deep if you have not done it for a long time or in most cases ever.

We start your journey to Deep Squatting gradually as you build stability and mobility in the deep position it will become easier.

TRX Deep Squat

The TRX Squat is the most stable version. You will be able to get low right of the back with the stability of the straps.

Goblet Deep Squat

Once you feel stable in the low position, you can add weight. I will always start with the goblet version first. The front-loading of the lift helps make it easier to engage the core and create stability throughout the torso, which will allow you to get low.

Body Weight Deep Squat

Once you can do the goblet variation comfortable, it is time to move onto the Body Weight Squat. And now you can Deep Squat like a pro.

Bonus Tip: An Squat with Heel Lift 


3 Reasons Why You Should Deep Squat?

The Deep Squat is not only excellent for picking and saving the lives of berries it is also great for the knees, building strength, and mobility.


The idea of Deep Squatting may seem odd, but the lower you go, the more stable the knee gets. Stability comes from the contact of the back of the thigh making contact with the calf and do to the wrapping effect of the quadriceps tendon.

Also, the highest measure of shire force is at the 90 degrees mark, as you go above or below that mark shire force decreases. Meaning, less strain on the knees when going through a full range of motion.


Squatting with a full range of motion creates a more significant stretch in the muscles of the leg leading to more potential power. With a full Squat, you will also increase time under tension which will lead to more muscle growth and ultimately more strength.


By going deep, it will keep you honest in your Squat, which will help you keep your mobility over time. As you get stronger in partial ranges of motion (not Deep Squatting), you will lose your mobility over time.

Instead of always seeking bigger and bigger number focus on maintaining depth and the number will continue to climb as you keep your mobility, which will prevent injuries and joint discomfort in the long run.

Your Fitness Sherpa,

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