Changing the Context to Make Weight Loss Easy

Whenever we try something new, we can expect it to feel challenging, foreign, and out of place. These are all reasonable things that happen when taking on new experiences like a new job, getting promoted, taking classes, first day at high school, and hell, even dating. Based on our past…

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Work Life Balance Effect On Weight Loss

You hear the term “Work-Life Balance” a lot in regards to how work affects your relationships and personal life, but rarely do we consider how our jobs and our lives outside of work affect our weight loss goals. How active you are at work and outside of work plays a…

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Your Plan For Eating On The Go

Does this sound familiar to you? You get to work and you realized you have left your lunch in the fridge. What do you do? Do you have a plan for this very moment? Do you head to the nearest gas station and peruse the shelves for anything that looks…

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