Category: My Walk
What Is Beauty?
Everything And The Same Time Nothing
“A moment is more than you think and at the same time nothing.” Life is made up of many small moments; they impact us, change us, and ultimately shape us. These little moments in time make up our entire lives. They are simultaneously in the perspective of life, nothing, little…
My Prayer For You
Who are you, who will you beMy precious daughter, I can only wait and seeYou are a creation of the most highHe knew you before the foundations of the universeCreating you in His holy sovereignty Creator hold hear fast to youLet her be filled with your SpiritWalking in Your ways…
Trapped In Fear: How to Overcome Fear
Salt and Light
The Self-Help Trap

The self-help industry has grown over the years, there are bestsellers, there are conferences, and there are conventions. The industry tells you, “you can fix yourself, if you think more positively, try harder, you will find true life long fulfillment.” I am a lover of self-help myself. I love learning…