Everything And The Same Time Nothing

“A moment is more than you think and at the same time nothing.”

Life is made up of many small moments; they impact us, change us, and ultimately shape us. These little moments in time make up our entire lives. They are simultaneously in the perspective of life, nothing, little blips on the screen of life, felting moments that were here today and gone the next.

I have been living between these two poles the last few days. Life has been stressful, but at the same time, has it really been? I am sick of dealing with problems; my work life should not affect my life, and in the grand scheme of things, from the view of eternity, why does it even matter?

Life is constant zooming in and out from in the moment to looking at it from the eternal view. My work here on earth is not fleeting. Work was given to us by God; it should be a joy to work and do the work that the Father has called us to do. We should do our work in such a way that it is a pleasing aroma to the Father. What greater joy could there be found in life than to bring praise to the Creator?

The phrase “should be” should be a joy, but often work feels like work. Our sinful nature has robbed us of experiencing work as it should be. We could get through life focused on our gifts in heaven, but that is not what Christians have been called to do.

We were bought with a price; Jesus died for our sins. We must do our work in such a way to bring glory and thanks to Him. Work is a beautiful thing when it is done with the proper heart.

Our moments have meaning, and they. If done as Paul describes in Ephesians 6:7-8, “Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people, because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do…” are not anything.

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