The Self-Help Trap

self-help christ god
Photo by lalesh aldarwish from Pexels

The self-help industry has grown over the years, there are bestsellers, there are conferences, and there are conventions. The industry tells you, “you can fix yourself, if you think more positively, try harder, you will find true life long fulfillment.”

I am a lover of self-help myself. I love learning and trying to make myself better. I am still a reader of this genre of books because I do think they have good insight and helpful lessons and tips, but all of them are making one big assumption.

That we, as humans, can actually fix ourselves.

As Christians, we can fall into the same trap. Thinking by our actions, we are drawing nearer to Christ. Through going to Church, reading His Word, and being in prayer. By obeying God, we will be better people, and life will be easy because God loves us.

That’s the trap. Thinking we can better ourselves to a point where God will be pleased with us. We must die to self and gain Christ. Only by giving up the old self can we be saved.

Only through Christ can a sinner like me be able to do anything pleasing to a Holy God. I can’t do anything. I can’t help myself. It is hard to think that outside of the grace of God, I am doomed. No amount of praying, reading God’s word, good works, and money donated to the needy will ever make me good enough.

It is only when we get to the place in our lives where we say, “I am broken, I am helpless.” that we realize we can not fix ourselves. The next self-help book we read is not going to have the missing piece.

We need to stop living life like this is our best life. This life is full of death, sickness, evil acts. How can this life be considered the best?

The only person that can help a broken, fallen person is the one who has created us. Only Christ can make a broken sinner whole again. As you draw nearer to God and cling harder to the grace and hope that is found in Christ, you start being filled with the Spirit, which changes you.

The bible goes as far as saying you are reborn. It is only by the death of the old self and the rebirth of the new self that allows us to change.

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