Know Your Top Five

top five
Image by Elias Sch. from Pixabay

I know if I am going to have a good or great day within the first 30 minutes of any day. 

“How can you possibly know this?” a sensible person might ask. 

I can’t predict the future, but I have a good chance of predicting it if I hit my top five goals every day. 

  1. Read the Bible
  2. Read a book for 30 minutes 
  3. Write
  4. Exercise 
  5. Practice servant leadership 

I start each day the same, waking up at least an hour and a half before anybody needs me. That means if I have to be at work by 5:15 am, I need to be up by 3:45 am. If I hit my snooze, set for nine-minute intervals (which I have not the faintest idea of why 9 is the magic number), my day is already starting with me playing catch up. 

There are three main reasons I enjoy having a top five. 

  1. Provide Daily Focus: I know if I hit my five, day in and day out, I will slowly get closer to where I want to be. 
  2. Black or White Feedback: Did I hit my five? Yes or no, it’s that simple. 
  3. Stability: They give me a sense of order and control. Even if I am having a shit day or a terrible week or year, I can still hit my top five or at least my top three. 

Most days, I hit my snooze. Heck, most days I hit my snooze twice. I wake up behind, needing to get dressed, make coffee, and start a fire before I can even touch the first line item. 

This is life. It seldom goes the ways you want it to. But that is ok because if you are still able to fit in what is most important to your long term success each day, in the long run, you are going to wind up ahead.

Action Steps: 

  • Find out what is important to you. Ask, “what, at the very least, do I need to get done to have a good day?” 
  • Write out a list of your top 20 or 25 things. 
  • Circle your top five. 
  • Write down your top five. Forget the other 15 or 20 other to-do’s and focus on the five that give you the most return and satisfaction. 

Your Fitness Sherpa,

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  1. Pingback: 30 Days Of Getting Back On Track: Day 13 Get It Done First - Josh Williams Fitness

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