3 Tips to Stop Over-Eating 

There are two significant areas to consider when trying to eat healthier and lose weight:  The three tips I will share today will help you get more quality food in each meal, help decrease the amount of food you eat, and help you become aware of fullness cues.  Glass of…

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The Secret to Getting Results

Getting results is relatively easy; well, at least the steps are easy.  To lose weight, you need to hit these four things  Eat fewer calories than you burn for calories  Be active every day (6K plus steps)  Workout to maintain muscle  Eat enough protein not to lose muscle  You could…

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Getting Habits to Stick

Creating habits can feel overwhelming, and if you have tried in the past and not been able to create a new habit from your efforts, you know how frustrating and defeating it can feel to have put in all that effort to fall back to where you started a few…

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Start of 2022 Not Going As Planned

I don’t know how you are doing with your New Year goals, but I, for one, am stumbling out the starting gate when it comes to my fitness goals.  The thing is, I am not discouraged one bit; ok, I am a little discouraged, but not much. Why is my…

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4 Keys to Fitness Success: 2 Water

Last week I looked at the importance of getting enough sleep each night to drive your fitness success and setting the challenge of establishing a consistent bedtime and wake time regardless of weekday vs. weekend.  I hope you took me up on the challenge and are starting to see a…

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