To All My Clients: Thank You

thank you
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For a self-diagnosed introvert who would love nothing more than to sit in a cabin in the mountains next to a pond watching a deer sip water all day, I find it a little odd that I have chosen a career in something that involves constant human interaction.

My time as a coach has been a fantastic journey; I’ve met so many people and those people have helped me grow. I used to think programming was the end all be all to getting clients results. It turns out a good program will keep you safe and organized, two of my favorite things, but in the end, it is just an outline to a good book.

Clients have helped me realize that the human connection we share, the relationships built, the times of laughter from a well-timed dad joke by yours truly, and the hug or a high five in times of grief and triumph, is what matters.

It is funny how just giving a shit about people, genuinely caring about someone, makes all the difference in the world. My clients help me see that each day.

When I first bought my house, the clients I was working with said, “I am paying for your house.” It took me by surprise, but yeah, because of my clients I can afford to have a house, and feed and provide for my family. I don’t take for granted all that my clients do for my team and me.

I went to a marriage seminar last April and one of the biggest takeaways was the idea that marriage is not 50/50 but 100/100. Mind blown.

The idea of 100/100 is important in all relationship you decide to have. In my case, I have 400 relationships at work. I have to be 100% in all of them. I have to be all into my coaching, keeping clients accountable, and making sure they are a part of our community. When both sides aren’t 100, the relationship eventually fades away.

What I am trying to say is thank you to all the clients I have worked with over the years. I have been shaped by and grown through the time I have gotten to spend with you all. I would not be where I am today without all your love and support.

Your Fitness Sherpa,


  1. Thank YOU! I appreciate your quiet kindness and you sense of humor. You are more than a great coach, you are a great person 💪 Stella

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