Confusing Knowing with Progress

The idea of re-reading a book or watching a movie over again is not something the gets me excited. I have already check that box; I have already completed that goal. It’s time to move on to newer, shinier things.

That is until this year.

I have started re-reading one book a month. A book I read four years ago has nothing new in it, it has not changed, but I have. The way I view the world, the way I think, and understand things has changed. What I got out of the book four years ago will not be the same as what I will get from it now.

I had a friend once tell me that they attended a conference about a subject they used to teach. “I learned nothing new,” they told me. “I used to teach on that very subject.” That friend might know the subject well, but are they putting that knowledge to good use?

It is not enough to know something or to be able to teach something; you have to do something with what you know to see the fruits of that knowledge and to fully benefit from what you learned.

When you first hear a new idea you might not know how to apply it in your life, or you might not be ready to, and that is ok. The beautiful thing is when you go back and revisit a topic you have already learned about there is a chance that when you re-read it, it will resonate with you differently, or you will know now how to apply it to your life.

But if you have a closed mindset and anytime you hear something you don’t like or say, “nope I have already learned all about that topic,” you are robbing yourself of the chance to progress.

Have an open mind.

And allow the old to become new again.

Your Fitness Sherpa,

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