Balance: It’s A Farce and How to Stay Healthy For Life


If someone tells you you need more balance in their life. That person should not be trusted. No one lives a life of balance; the second you think you are balancing someone, something nocks the whole balance out of whack, and you are left trying to figure out what you should have done differently.

A lot of people start working out to live a healthier, more balanced lifestyle. Feeling they have shifted too far to the side of a sedentary lifestyle. Leaving one feeling not as energetic, strong, or happy with one’s self.

Hopefully, they will decide to start getting more active and incorporating more exercise into their daily life. Then, after a while, they will be happy they chose to exercise more, and they may even think to themselves, “I have finally found a good balance in my life.”

Balance works great when the rest of your life feels balanced and when it gets out of balance, the first thing to go is usually the activities and events in our lives we think are not as essential to keep up with.

How does one get out of the balance trap?

For long-term success with your fitness, you need alignment in your life, not balance. Alignment starts with your worldview, your philosophy on life; once you know your worldview, you will discover your values. Then, if you pick goals, such as living a long healthy life, that fit your worldview and values, you will stick with it when life is crazy.


Because being healthy is no longer something you have to do. It is a part of what makes you, you. It is part of your identity.

If you don’t know your worldview and values, it would be good to think about these things. Because when we are doing activities aligned with who we are, we are happier people, and when life gets messy, you are going to find a way to keep active and healthy.

Your Fitness Sherpa,

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