5 Fun Fact About Sleep

about sleep

Sleep is something we do on the daily. We don’t think much of it other than we do it each night and we always want more of it.

We don’t fully appreciate all that it does for us. A lot of brilliant people wonder why we even sleep in the first place.

It does nothing for us concerning producing, we are vulnerable to being robbed or attacked, and we can’t produce offspring to pass on our great looks and personality.

What we do know is that a lack of sleep leads to some significant mental illnesses. From as little as forgetfulness to you spilling your marbles all over the floor and losing your sense of sanity.

5 Fun Facts About Sleep:

  • Sleep helps us learn new ideas: Ever struggles with a problem and decided to go to bed. And the next morning when you woke up you could do it. That’s the power of sleep.
  • Sleep helps us to be creative: If you are always running off less then at 8 hours of sleep you are not running optimally, hurting your ability to think clearly and creatively.
  • As we get older, we need…? The same amount of sleep (8 hours). Older adults need the same amount of sleep. Quality sleep is just harder to get as you get older. Because of things like more frequent going to the bathroom.
  • If you sleep only 6 hours for 7 days in a row, your brain will be functioning as if you had stayed up for 24 hours. If you only get 7 hours of sleep each night for 10 days in a row same thing. You need 8 hours.
  • You are more hungry when sleep deprived: Lack of sleep causes stress to increase – stress causes levels of cortisol to rise – elevated levels of cortisol over time increase hunger – chewing decreases stress – stress levels go down – you are still sleepy cycle starts again.

All this to say get your 8 hours of sleep. It is really important, and you will be a better person and fell like a better person for it.

Your Fitness Sherpa,

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