Why and How of The Zurcher Squat

zurcher squat
Photo by Li Sun from Pexels

The first time I read about the Zurcher grip, I remember thinking that it is a really uncomfortable way to hold a barbell. Now, if you are not familiar with the exercises, the Zurcher grip comes from the Zurcher Squat exercises, where you hold the barbell in the crux of your elbow. 

I am still not a big fan of the Zurcher Squat because of the pressure it places on the elbow, and I find many people don’t want to deal with the discomfort no matter how much I tell them the benefits of holding a weight in this way. 

Continue reading on to learn the comfortable way to perform the Zuercher grip.

So what are the benefits of the Zurcher anyways? 

Real-Life Application 

Unlike the Front and Back Squat, the Zurcher is a practical way to lift and carry weight. When carrying something in real life, we hold the weight close to our center of gravity around the belly button area. It is not too often we have to carry something on our back or squat down with something on our back. 

Back Friendly 

The Zurcher grip allows you to hold a weight at your center of gravity; this will place less load on the back. The further way a load is from your center, the higher the chance you will put a strain on your back. 

How to make Zurcher’s not suck 

I already mention how using a barbell for the Zurcher is not the most comfortable piece of equipment to use. What I found works well is using sandbags. The larger surface area puts less pressure on any area of the arm, allowing you to perform the exercise. 

The only downside to using the sandbag instead of a barbell is you won’t be able to go as heavy, you will have to pick exercises you can do higher reps with, and the other downside is you won’t be able to see your feet—a small price to pay for a great exercise if you were to ask me. 

Zurcher Exercises To Try 

Cues to remember 

  • Squeeze armpits 
  • Tuck your tale (keep hips under ribs) 
  • Tear bag apart 

Zurcher Carry 

Sets: 3-4

Reps: 45 seconds to 1 minute 

Zurcher SLDL

Sets: 3-4

Reps: 8-12  

Zurcher Split Squat 

Sets: 3-4

Reps: 8-12

Go out and give the Zurcher grip a try! 

Your Fitness Sherpa, 


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