Some sights take your breath away; we aw in the magnificence of what we can only call beautiful. Beauty has a subjective nature to it, one piece of art is called beautiful by one, and another says it is trash. Is that true beauty, then?
Can beauty be so subjective?
Beauty is truth, and beauty is masterfully and meticulously created. Beauty in nature, seen in the landscape of a mountain rising from the ocean and the unseen as in the feeling of a calm wind blowing past your cheek. There is beauty in people’s figures and their inner spirits. We can create beauty in art, which reflects the beauty around us.
Beauty comes from the creator and what God creates is good, and he has proclaimed it as good. What God declares to be good is always good. Where the creation becomes distorted is in our fallenness of sin. Sin distorts the truth, and that distorts our view of what is beautiful.
We can still see beauty all around us, even in our fall state of sin, because we have a merciful God. Praise be to God, the creator of heaven and earth, allowing us to find joy and happiness in his beautiful creation.