The Deadlift is one of my favorite lifts. I know you hear this a lot from anyone that has worked in the coaching field. It’s almost like we are coached to say so, so others will also think the same thing.
But in all honesty, if I had a Fav Five of exercises, I could call, and text toll-free the Deadlift, Kettlebell Swings, Carries, Pull-Ups, and Bench Press would all be on that list.
One of the common complaints about the Deadlift, a phrase no one has ever said 😋, is they feel the movement in the lower back.
If you have thought this before, then you need to take a minute to watch this video.
Give it a try and tell me what you think.
Looking from more great coaching tips? Check out my latest hands-on workshop.
>>Big News! Stronger You Workshop Is Here!<<
So this is happening – join me and my good friend and colleague Kim Lloyd to learn how to incorporate strength training into your fitness routine. Never lifted before?? No worries
Injuries? Nope, we got that covered too.
Click the link below for more information
Your Fitness Sherpa,