The Journey: Looking Back While Moving Forward

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

I don’t want to keep going.

Why do I keep telling myself that I enjoy hiking?

These were a few thoughts running through my head as I made my way up the face of Beach Cliff, a moderate hike in my hometown of Southwest Harbor, on a warm August day with my dog Schuster.

As I stopped to let Schuster rest, I took my eyes off the dirt trail beneath my feet and turned my gaze to the scene to my right. I was looking over the small town of Southwest Harbor; I could see the rolling mountains and lakes that make Acadia so beautiful.

At that moment, I could see the beauty in my efforts. I remembered why I love hiking. Looking back, I could see my progress and how far I had come. By stopping, I could get a glimpse of the beauty that awaited me at the top.

What I didn’t do is call it good enough. I set out that morning to climb this mountain. By stopping, it rejuvenated my spirits to go on.

When we set our minds on a goal, we are full of hope, and we are excited to tackle the journey. It only takes a few steps towards your goal for the fun and excitement to start to fade as you realize the work and sweat you will have to put into accomplishing your goal.

That is why you need to take time to lift your head, take your gaze off the trail ahead or the mountain peak above, and stop and see how far you have come.

Stopping will remind you how far you have come and will reignite the spark that makes you want to continue.

Or, stopping to look up will help you realize that you have wandered from the path and are heading in the entirely wrong direction and need to regain your bearings.

  • Set your goal.
  • Set out on your journey.
  • Stop periodically to see and celebrate your accomplishments or realign yourself back on the path.
  • Repeat until you reach your destination (goal).

Your Fitness Sherpa,

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