Sticking to One Goal From Start to Finish


Some of you know by now that I have bought a house. People love owning homes because they are no longer paying rent or they have the sense that it is their space and you can do what every you very well please to do.

Not me.

I love owning a home for the project and the always having something to work on, and in part, I like the idea of making my house perfect.

I was asked recently by a client, “You’re not one of those people that never finishes a project but is always starting something new, right?”

For a moment I counted up in my head the number of projects started: paint trim, stack firewood, put in flower beds, remove tree stumps, and finish organizing the garage.

It turns out I love starting new projects.

Why is it so easy to start something new but not finish it?

Before every project, you can fantasize what the end goal looks like. Your brain doesn’t know the difference between fantasy and reality. So the pleasure you get from this is genuine. That is why I spend a lot of time dreaming up new ideas, goals, or in this case projects. It feels good.

Getting started can be hard but a lot of times your excitement to make your fantasies into reality will motive you to get started.

What often happens is you start out working on the easy parts first, and it’s ok, but then you run into a problem, which could be realizing you need help or that reality is much harder then what you planned in your head.

At this point, you can choose to push on or to start another project and possibly come back to this project at another time.

By starting a new project, you start the cycle all over again.

Dream – Start – Barrier – New Project

Following this cycle is way more comfortable. You can get a lot of mental pleasure from this, but in the end, it will leave you with nothing to show for all your work. There will be no fulfillment from this.

This cycle is also common with people on their fitness journey. They start out motivated and ready to go but as soon as they have a setback or don’t think the journey is going as they planned it they jump to a new goal.

Jumping from one thing to another is a life full of almost, filling yourself with one fleeting feel-good moment at a time, leaving you with nothing to show at the end.

Complete what you started. Leave something to show for all your hard work.

Your Fitness Sherpa

At a sticking point in your fitness journey? Message me.

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