Gaining Muscle Mass with Mechanical Drop Sets



Is it me or have I written a lot about gaining size since the New Year’s? While everyone is telling you how to lose weight I am over here telling you how to put on more. I guess I am a little ass backwards, what’s new.


Side Note: Where would memes be without Gene Wilder and Willy Wonka

Well, I am not going to stop now. So here is another way to put on muscle.

Gaining muscle mass can happen a few different was.

1. Time Under Tension (The amount of time you are body is under load)

2. Muscular Damage (Think when you do Romanian Deadlifts or any exercise that has a long stretch before contraction)

3. Metabolic Stress (The feeling you get after lifting when your legs or arms feel as if they might explode)

By knowing how to stress the muscles and cause a anabolic response, will be the key to gaining muscle mass.

One way to do this is through mechanical drop sets. I wrote up a quick post over at Watchfit that talks about some of my favorite mechanical drop sets for each of the major muscle groups.

Clicking Me 🙂 



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