Come On In The Water Is Fine: Taking Action

Photo by Andrew Ly on Unsplash

I have been struggling with these two words lately: action and safety.

They are opposites; you can’t have both at the same time. Taking action means I am moving away from a place of comfort; I am placing myself in a vulnerable position. Whether that vulnerability is life-threatening or not the feeling of possible failure or hurt can stop action before it even has a chance to get started.

In most cases to grow you have to change something, you have to do something different from what you are doing in your everyday life. When you do the same thing you did yesterday, and the day before, it will lead to similar outcomes every day. There is nothing wrong with that, as long as you are happy with the result.

But when you are not happy with the results you are getting you need to take action, you have to try something new. You have to choose to become vulnerable to progress. I often say if it isn’t scary or make you feel uncomfortable a little it is not a big enough action.

How do you overcome the want for safety?

There are two ways, and they are the same approaches you would use to swim in the ocean. You either tiptoe your way in or you dive in. The results are the same; eventually, the water becomes fine and comfortable.

Ultimately, what you once thought was strange and uncomfortable will become old and ordinary. You will adapt.

What action are you thinking of that make you a little scared?

Your Fitness Sherpa,

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