Aha Moment

Aha Moment

“How many things have to happen to you before something occurs to you” Robert Frost

I read this quote in the book “Tattoos On The Heart,” Robert Frost sums up nicely the thoughts I have while working with clients on habit change or how my wife most likely feels when she is trying to explain something to me.

We see this a lot when we present a new idea at work, and it gets seemingly rejected, but then your boss goes out and hears the same view from someone they hold in high authority and comes back and says,”hey, I got this great idea.” (Face meets palm)

Why does this seem always to happen? You may have been trying to help someone for years lose weight, and one day they come up to you and say, “Hey I think I need to start watching what I eat.”

We as humans are more motivated to do something or accept something if we believe it was our idea or comes from a source we respect. This is why my team and I try and always us motivational interviewing than the old style of I tell you what to do, and you do it.

Side Note: Motivational interviewing is a way to help people through asking questions vs. just telling them.

What To Do With This

Going back to Mr. Frostes questions, there is no clear answer in how long it will take someone to realize something new or a need for change or help.

If you are trying to help someone:

All we can do is help lead the person along and hope they come to a place of change. Change happens by asking questions, having conversations, and showing that you care about the person and want what is best for them. Be patient in the process.

For yourself:

As for you be open willing to listen. Be humble and realize you don’t have all the answers. Hell, you never know what conversation is going to be on of those “things” that leads to you finally having an “Aha Moment.”

Your Fitness Sherpa

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