30 Days Of Getting Back On Track: Day 27 Apple Cinnamon Muffins: Building Fences

building fences gates habits
Photo by Lain De Macias from Pexels

Every Thursday, we have a team meeting; it just so happens that during this team meeting, Coach Jess brought in apple cinnamon muffins, still warm from being baked that morning, to share with the team. 

They came in a rectangular Tupperware container, the ones with the flaps on the side to lock the lid on tight. The rest of the team looked at me to pop the top and kick off the muffin eating frenzy. 

To all their surprise, I said no. 

Now my team knows me well. I will eat almost anything, and self-control when it comes to food is next to nothing. It was not that long ago that Coach Chris walked into the office at 5 am to find me face deep in some leftover cookies.  

What was different about Thursday’s situation? 

The lid, of course. The three seconds it would take me to pop the four latches on the Tupperware were enough to prevent me from wanting a muffin. 

Granted, this did not last long as Jess then opened the lid for me and handed me a muffin. Now I know my team is a bunch of enablers that gets some low-level joy out of me eating. 

What’s The Point 

Build fences around the habits you want to break and build gates to habits you want to keep. 

I build fences when it comes to snack foods. Putting them in cupboards, I do not often open. I try and keep my cellphone out of sight and on silent when writing or when dining with family and friends. 

I build gates to habits I want to keep. I place my Bible next to my chair, along with any other book I am reading. It is easily accessible and top of mine. On days a plan to workout, I set my clothes out on the dining room table. I can not look up from my chair without seeing my workouts clothes lying there saying, “Come play with us, Josh. You know it’s good for you.” 

What fences do you need to build up in your life to accomplish your goals?

What gates do you need to create to make it easier to do what you want to do? 

Your Fitness Sherpa,

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