3 Steps to Following Through

follow through

There is no shortage of great ideas or thoughts. Things you want to get done, things you want to get started, things you want to accomplish.

I must admit one of my favorite guilty pleasures is dreaming up a project or researching projects or items way before I can even start the project or buy the thing.

I mean just last night I researched different mattresses that come in boxes for about 2 hours, and at the end of all of it I said to myself, “well I am not going to buy a mattress for at least another 2 or 3 months anyway.”

What!? Why did I wast all that time and energy?

I mean logically I would research a week before I plan to make the purchase, and my wife reminds me always that I am researching way too early.

Here’s the thing. Researching is safe. Planning is safe. Following through with that plan well that is just the opposite of comfortable and safe. But without follow through there is no action and you will be no closer to seeing your dreams and goals come to life.

Here are 3 ways to help you follow through.


1. Set A Time Frame 

When are you going to get it done? Saying Fall of 2018 is excellent but being more specific is better. Such as, I will start the first weekend of October and be done by November 1st.

Setting a time frame prevents you from planning to early and also give you some urgency to get it done.


2. Write It Down/Tell Somebody 

By writing down what you are going to get done for the day, week, or year will help you remember what you are trying to accomplish but will also help you stay accountable to you.

To take it another step further tell someone what you are going to do. Hell, tell the whole world what you are doing to do. Because letting yourself down is easy but letting your friends, family, or coworkers down is not that easy.


3. Make It Sting 

If there is no consequence for you not following through, then there is a higher chance you will not accomplish your goal.

Your sting could be you having to pay money to a charity or having to watch the entire season of Iron Fist on Netflix in one sitting, want to scratch my eyes out thinking about this.

These are the three step I take to help me follow through each day.

Your Fitness Sherpa,

What do you do to help keep you accountable to your plans and goals?

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