Tips for Working Around Injuries

One of the more frustrating things to deal with in life is injuries. They can be persistent and nagging; they prevent us from doing everyday activities in peace and rob us of finding joy in movement.  Injuries can happen for several reasons: such as an acute event such as falling…

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Getting Habits to Stick

Creating habits can feel overwhelming, and if you have tried in the past and not been able to create a new habit from your efforts, you know how frustrating and defeating it can feel to have put in all that effort to fall back to where you started a few…

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The Importance of Getting Up and Down

I remember when my daughter was first born, we would do tummy time. O, did she hate tummy time. She would cry and make a fuss. But the doctor told us how important this time on the ground was for developing strength that would help her down the road.  Now…

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