Monday Morning Coffee with Josh Episode 23

morning coffee


In this episode of Monday Morning Coffee with Josh, Josh finds himself south of the border awoken by the cool waves of the Pacific lapping at his little toesies. Josh is not exactly sure how he got here.

Needing just a little pick me up and time to figure out what happened, Josh stops by the local cabana and asks the barista to pour him something tall, strong, and cheap like himself. The barista is taken aback by such an odd request but then she remembers she has just the thing to give the young traveler to pick up his spirit. The barista rushes to the cabinet behind her and starts feverishly looking for something. After a few moments, she turns around and is holding a yellow brick.

She tells the traveler that no one has ever been able to withstand the potent combination of cheapness and strength of this espresso coffee. With a cocky arrogance, Josh says, “Don’t forget to make it tall.”

Josh finds himself south of the border awoken by the cool wave of the Pacific lapping it his little toesies. Josh is not exactly sure how he got here.

Also in this week’s episode Josh talks about achieving goals and not putting all your focus on the end result.

Now take a big mouth full of that brew and end enjoy the show.

Much love,



  1. OH MY EFFING WORD! I have never laughed so hard before in my life. I learned something too. Great post, Coach!

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