It’s Extreme! How Being Extreme Ain’t Always Cool



There is something about extreme things. They seem to elicit thoughts of pushing it to the limit. Doesn’t matter what it is if it has the word extreme before it there must be some badassery about to happen.

That’s why all my friends know when I break out an ironing board something extreme is about to take place before them. Not to mention the end result: wrinkle free pants.


Men ironing never looked so hot, am I right ladies?

This love for extremes has the tendency to creep into our everyday lives. Not in the form of extreme sports, but in the way we eat and exercise. It is either eat too much and move too little or eat too little and move too little.

Either way you end up with the same results: crap diet and out of shape.


Then one day you wake up and say, “I don’t like how I feel and how I eat. I am going to stop eating and exercise 2 times a day 7 days a week.” This leads to people eating way less and exercising too much.

Another extreme. Can’t we just find balance?

People are not generally happy living in extremes. Too little, not happy; too much, feels good until it becomes unsustainable. You need to be somewhere in the middle. The middle is where you will find long-term sustainable results and your happy place.

The end goal of eating healthy and exercising should always be to help you live a better, longer, healthier, and more fulfilled life.


5 Steps to Getting Long Term Results

Step 1: Find your “Why”. Why do you want to eat healthier? Why do I need to exercise? When you find your “why” you will find direction.

Step 2: Set a long-term goal. A goal that you have an emotional connection to or a goal with an event at the end of it will help keep you motivated.

Step 3: Break that long-term goal into smaller goals. Set monthly and weekly goals to help you tackle your long-term goal in tiny bite-sized pieces.

Step 4: Set actionable items that will result in you completing your goals. Without action there is no results.

Step 5: Get someone to keep you accountable. That someone could be a hired personal trainer, members or coaches at a semi-private gym, or hey, even asking me for online coaching and accountability. Whomever you choose, this person will help you stay on track when life gets hard and you want to quit.

Extremes are fun but living in extremes is not the best for your long-term health and happiness. If you want something sit down and write down your why and start setting goals.

Click Me if you want long term results 








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