A Guide to Being Able to Do Pull Ups


I love doing Pull Ups and Chin Ups, but not so much doing Waking Ups (yeah bad joke, I know…).

As an overweight adolescent I thought being able to bust out Pull Ups would be so badass and the ultimate show of body strength. I remember every day when I would work out, trying to do one or two. It took me till my junior year in high school to be able to even do one. But after I got that one, I was hooked on Pull Ups.

I started to set lofty Pull Up and Chin Up goals like being able to do 20 Pull Ups and Chin Ups and being able to do a 300lb Chin Up (meaning my body weight and chains or weights along for the ride). In my Sophmore year of college, I was able to do 20 reps of Pull Ups and Chin Ups and I met my goal and did a 305lb Neutral Grip Pull Up for one rep.

In my mind, I had reached the pinnacle of the Pull Up world. And since I went from the bottom to the top, I feel fit to help you on your own Pull Up journey. So let’s go!

What are the benefits of being able to do Pull Ups?cliffhanger-1

  1. They will help you pull yourself out of a pool or onto the swim platform of yourboat
  2. If you were hanging from a side of a cliff and needed to get up, it will help
  3. For women, the national average is 0 so anything above that makes you a better person and gives you bragging rights.
  4. They’re fun so why not do them
  5. Oh, and they are a great back exercise too

Now that you know the benefits of doing Pull Ups, here is a step-by-step approach to be able to do one.


Increase Strength and Lose-s Weight

One of the quickest ways to getting to Pull Up glory is by increasing your overall strength and losing some weight. This only makes sense as if you are stronger and lighter, it’ll be easier to pull yourself up, right?



I put these exercises in the order that you should progress your Pull Ups/Chin Ups. Actually, hold on. Before I go any further, I’m guessing you might be thinking what’s the difference between Pull Ups and Chin Ups? It’s all about the grips, all about the grips, all about the grips, no trouble.   It’s really that simple and yeah, I know you now have THAT SONG stuck in your head. You’re welcome.

Chin Up: palms facing you

Pull Up: Palms face away from you


Ring Assisted Pull Ups

This variation allows you to use your legs to help you get up. As the name implies, these are done on the rings.

Sets: 3-4 Reps: 8- AMRAP (remember “AMRAP” = As Many Reps As Possible)


Iso Hold with Eccentric Lower

This allows you to build your back’s Isometric strength at the top position while strengthening your backs eccentric strength as well.  Here, using a Neutral, Chin Up, or Pull Up grip, you will simply push yourself to the top position and hold for 4-6 seconds (actively squeezing your shoulder blades) then you will slowly lower yourself to an almost full hang.

Sets: 3-4 Reps: 5-10


Band Assisted Pull Ups

The Band helps pull yourself up into position, the bigger the band the easier it will be and you get stronger you will want to use smaller and smaller bands until you get to no band.

Sets: 3-4 Reps: 8-AMRAP


Neutral Grip 

So here’s the explanation of the different grips.

Neutral Grip Pull Ups will be the easiest variation for they us your back, bicep, and forearm muscle to help pull you up. Place your hands perpendicular to your body, e.g. like you’re about to clap and use the grips on the pull up equipment that correspond, meaning not the straight bar. 

Sets: 3-5 Reps: 3-AMRAP



Chin Ups

For these, you’re using the “old school” grip, with your palms facing towards you

Like Neutral Grip but with less help from the forearm muscles.

Sets: 3-5 Reps: 3-AMRAP


Pull Ups

Pull Ups are the last and the hardest using mostly back and some bicep they will be the most challenging of all vertical pulls.

Sets: 3-5 Reps: 3-AMRAP


In order to get better at the Pull Ups & Chin Ups, there are other exercises that can build the necessary strength. They include:

Barbell Bent Over Row

Sets: 3-5 Reps: 5-10 


Cable Lat Pull Downs 

Sets: 3-5 Reps: 8-15


Dumbbell 1 Arm Rows 

Sets: 3-5 Reps: 5-10


Best of luck on your Pull Up journey, it may be slow but oh-so-worth it in the end.



One Comment:

  1. I hate waking ups too lol

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