Whats The Deal with Muscle Imbalance

muscle Imbalance

Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought, hmmm is one of my shoulders higher than the other? Or, after nursing an injury to, let’s say, your right knee, and the second it feels better the other knee just decides all on its own, with no input from you, that it now wants to be injured?

Well in these situations, the shoulder height and injuries can both stem from imbalances. Imbalances can stem from life’s requirements of sitting for long hours at your occupation or from long periods of sitting due to the ever-increasing length of cinematic movies (looking at you Quentin Tarantino).

Injuries that require you to favor one side and ask the other side to pick up the slack will, over time, lead to the one side doing most of the work creating imbalances and eventually leading to injuries of the once healthily, all too willing to help out side.

This week I wrote a post over at Watchfit.com talking all about muscle imbalances. I talk about the two most common imbalances and better yet how to fix them.

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