Have you ever read a book that you just can’t put down?
The pages read like candy for the eyes and your perception of time flies out the window.
I have had this experience before when I am reading an excellent book.
Do you know what happens next after reading a masterfully crafted book? I tell my closest friends, “Oh; you’ve got to read this book.”
I asked this question to my wife the other day, “If there was a book written by the creator of this world, the God of the universe, telling of his nature and plans, and his promises, wouldn’t you want to read that book? Wouldn’t you be overjoyed to have a book written by God? Fearthermore would’nt you want to tell everyone about this book?”
We have that book, His good word, the Bible.
The truth is I am not always overjoyed to wake each morning to read His word. I need to pray that He will give me the desire to be in his word each day and long to be in it.
Reading the Bible is not mindless; it takes work, study, and examination of self.
Reading and understanding are two different things. Often when reading, I will zone out and not catch myself for pages, but I will not feel I missed out when I come back to reality. The same is not true for the Bible. I have to be present and seeking to understand what is being said. Reading the Bible is not a passive event.
I found when reading the Bible that it is best if I go in with the mindset of reading as much as I can comprehend and think through. Meaning, I do not read for a set amount of time or chapters or even verses. Sometimes I read only a few verses and try to understand what is going on.
I ask these four questions to help me to understand God’s Word better:
- What is the context of the verses (don’t read the Bible in a vacuum)
- What is it saying about God?
- Where is Christ shown in these verses?
- How can I apply it to my walk?
Reading the Bible takes dedication and work and through the power of the Holy Spirit working in us, we will draw nearer to God and start aligning our will with God’s will.
Romans 15:4 “For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.”