I have been writing about fitness and life for seven years come October.
I started out writing about programing and exercise, slowly switching over to writing about mindset and emotions around exercises and life. I still enjoy writing and discussing these topics, but as I look at the big picture in life, they fall short in comparison to one’s spiritual life.
As the wise King Solomon wrote, “Meaningless! Meaningless! Says the Teacher. Everything is meaningless!” Ecc 12:8.
King Solomon was the wisest and richest man to live. He had his fill of all the world could offer him, but in the end, he declared it all meaningless compared to “fear(ing) God and keep(ing) his commandments, for this is the whole, duty, of man.” or as the Westminster Shorter Catechism puts it: “Man’s primary purpose is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.”
Outside of this, we will not find fulfillment in this life, for that was never the plan for us to gain the whole world. No, it was much simpler and more beautiful than that.
My reason for starting this subsection in my blog is to fill the longing in my heart to share God’s promises with whomever I come in contact with.
My walk: I will be talking about my spiritual walk, what I am learning, and hopefully, by God’s spirit, it will encourage you as well. I pray this will be used for His glory.