My New Found Love For The Mini Band

Like most people, I do not enjoy the process of getting a small band of rubber around my legs before starting an exercise. It is made even worse on days I wear shorts instead of pants to the gym; the goals quickly change from exercise-focused to, “how can I get…

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Workout By Numbers

Having benchmark numbers can help keep you motivated and ensure that you are doing the little things. Done with consistency and effort will lead to results.  Let’s learn the importance behind these four numbers (100,10,2,1).  100  Hit 100 Myzone Measured Effort Points, more commonly known as MEPS; each workout will…

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3 Exercises You Should Know

Today we will look at three exercises and answer the question of “Why” we do them and the question of “How” to do them and images to keep in mind while doing them.  Front Squats  Why  Squat or getting up from a seated position is one of the most frequent…

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Are You Using The Right Weights?

Why do weights come in so many different varieties? Can we all agree on one and call it good?  It would be nice, but there are many benefits to lifting a variety of different weights. Some weights are small and heavy, some are long and unbalanced, and some look like…

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How To Slam A Med Ball

I want to feel special; I want to feel unique in this loud, crazy world; I am not like everyone else, and so how I workout should reflect that. We are all different people, with distinct thoughts and feelings and ideas. Some of us are short; some are taller. Some…

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4 Core Exercises You Need to Be Doing

This post was originally publish at I can’t count how many times I have had clients come in with the goal of strengthening their core. The purpose of strengthening the core could have come about because their doctor said so; it could be to help their back pain or…

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4 New Band Exercises

I have for you today four fresh band exercises you can do with a super band. If you are wondering what a super band is, they are the large loop bands, not the mini bands.  Bands are great for a lot of reasons. They are easy to travel with and…

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