This week I have been away on vacation, spending time with family and, more importantly, going to eating establishments and sampling delicious food and drink.
One of my favorite thing to do on vacation is to refocus my physical fitness by being active every day; I know this is not most people’s idea of relaxing. Being active while on vacation means finding a gym to workout at or if there is no gym, finding walking and hiking trails, or the third option parking the car and exploring the place where I am on foot.
I also like to use vacations to try different forms of activity I might not normally do, like riding my bike, swimming, or long walks with the family. Trying various activities can help rejuvenate your want to work out and use some of the new strength you have acquired over the months of training in the real world.
Here are four workouts you can do at any gym on the go.
Workout 1 (Back and Abs)
A1. Lateral Lunge 3×12
A2. Dumbbell Pullover 3×12
B1. Dumbbell Bicep Curl 3×15
B2. Dumbbell Renegade Row 3×8 each
C1. Side Plank 3×30 seconds each side
C2. Front Plank 3x 3o seconds
Workout 2 (Chest and Arms)
A1. Dumbbell Bench Press 4×12
A2. Dumbbell Kickbacks 4×12 each side
B1. Kneeling 1 Arm Overhead Press 3×10
B2. Side Plank 3×30 seconds each side
C1. Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3×12
C2. Push-Ups 3x As Many Reps As Possible
C3. Dumbbell Farmers Carry in Plance 3×12 march in places each side
Workout 3 (Glutes and Legs)
A1. Bulgarian Split Squat 4×8 each side
A2. Single-Leg Glute Bridge 4×15 Each Side
A3. Dumbbell Hammer Curls 4×15
B1. Side Plank 3×30 seconds each side
B2. Hollow Body Hold 3x 30 seconds
B3. Dumbbell Single Leg Deadlift 2×10 each leg
Workout 4 (Power and Back)
A1. Jump Squats or Speed Squats 4×8
A2. Single-Leg Hip Thrust (Explosive) 4×8 each leg
B1. Dumbbell Retractions 3×12
B2. Dumbbell Upright Row 3×10
B3. Dumbbell Bent Over Post Fly 3×10
B4. Bear Crawls 3×10 steps each side
If you don’t have a place to work out, try making it a daily routine to get outside and walk for 30 minutes.
Being active while you are on the go will help you keep your workout routine and put some of that new strength to fun use.
Your Fitness Sherpa,