Squating To/From Pins: The Difference and Why You Should Do Them


Over the past few months I have been using more and more squats to/from pins in my programming instead of the classic box squat. This has come about for a few reasons.

The first is that people seem scared to touch the box, and when told to box squat don’t touch the box. If you are not going to go to depth on your squats then that only leaves two choices; regress back to a goblet squat and learn what it feels like to squat to parallel or squat to pins.

The second is people don’t have a lot of drive out of the hole or bottom position. This is due mostly to not knowing how to activate their glutes. Squatting from pins starts you out at the bottom position, preventing preloading of the muscles and forcing you to learn to develop force quickly.


Why Pins

Box squats are great, I love box squats. They can be used to teach getting to parallel and when you use pause box squats they can also help you develop force.

When someone is first introduced to squatting, most people will start off with squatting to box to teach getting to depth. This works about 85% of the time.

For the other 15% of people I like squatting to pins to teach the squat.

Here’s the advantages.

They feel safer. If you miss you can just sit down and walkout. There is no fear of going low and getting stuck.

You know if they touched. With a box squat people will cheat a little by touching the box with the back of their hamstrings instead of with their butts. With pins you will hear if they touch.


Difference Between Squat To and Squat From Pins

Squatting to pins means you will unrack the weight and squat down to the pins. Touch and come back up.

Squatting from pins means you will start with the weight on the pins. You will start in the down position and squat to standing.

I use to pins to teach depth or just to mix it up.

I will use from pins to work on developing stronger glutes and getting out of the hole. One thing I like about pins is that your butt is not supported in the down position. This will help prevent one from relaxing in the bottom position.


The Set Up

To Pins:

This will be the same as a regular squat to box but it’s to pins

From Pins:

You will start with the bar on the pins. You will then come underneath the bar, getting your feet set and bracing the core. From there you will stand up.


Common Mistakes

To Pins:

Not coming down controlled. Bouncing off the pins

Relaxing in the bottom position

From Pins:

Relaxing in the bottom position

Rounding back in start

Setting Up with weight on the toes instead of on mid foot or heels


Videos of me

Back Squat To Pins

Front Squat To Pins

Back Squat From Pins

Front Squat From Pins


Josh Williams


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