Monday Morning Coffee with Josh Episode 29

morning coffee

In this week’s episode of Monday Morning Coffee with Josh, Josh is way up in the northern parts of Maine searching for the perfect blueberry coffee. Searching for blueberries in the late fall may seem silly but Josh knows this is when blueberry coffee is at its peak ripeness (there is no truth to this what so ever).

Tucked away, off a cobblestone side street in the quaint town of Ellsworth, Josh’s nose fills with the fresh aromatic smells of newly baked blueberry pie. The smell lifts Josh off his feet and carries him to the spot of the smell, similar to the old Fruit Loops commercials with Toucan Sam. There before him is not a pie, but a fresh, hot cup of morning splendor.

Also in this week’s episode, Josh talks about the effects of positive and negative self-talk.

So stop what you’re doing and watch the magic of what is my face speaking to you when I am not presently there. Otherwise known as motion pictures.

Much love,

Josh W

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