Monday Morning Coffee with Josh Episode 27

morning coffee

In this week’s episode of Monday Morning Coffee with Josh, Josh is down in the south-western part of the Americas exploring one of the natural wonders of this world – the giant crevis that we call the Grand Canyon.

Josh is told that within the caves of the canyon there is a special coffee bean that, when ground and brewed to perfection, makes a mouth dampening cup of coffee like none other. To get him down into the depth of the canyon Josh seeks out the help on an ass by the name of Kick Ass. Kick Ass is an old son of an ass that knows his way about the canyon like he knows the back of his cloven hooves.

On a beautiful autumn day, Josh and Kick Ass set out on their adventure to the caves where the succulent coffee lies. After hours of travel, our two weary adventurers come to what appears to be an oasis in the midst of the canyon. As they draw close to this spectacle, the two are amazed to find that it is not just any oasis, it is an oasis flowing with coffee. Josh, like the fat kid from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, sticks his face into the stream of flowing coffee.

The joy and happiness that filled Josh was similar to that of a small child awakening in the morning to a room full of presents on Christmas day.

Also in this cup of knowledge, Josh talks about how focusing on fewer things can lead to long-term self-improvement.

So stop your web surfing and sit yourself down and prepare your mind and body for a truly majestic experience.

Much love,

Josh W



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