Activity By The Numbers

It is easy to overthink being active and living a healthy lifestyle.  Living health doesn’t consist of just stretching or just lifting weight. Instead, a healthy lifestyle consists of Strenght, Cardiovascular health, daily activity, and recovery/mobility work; you need them all. I like to say be wary of the carpenter…

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Start of 2022 Not Going As Planned

I don’t know how you are doing with your New Year goals, but I, for one, am stumbling out the starting gate when it comes to my fitness goals.  The thing is, I am not discouraged one bit; ok, I am a little discouraged, but not much. Why is my…

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4 Keys to Fitness Success: 4 Activity

The previous three weeks, we have looked at keys 1-3 on the key chain of fitness. In today’s post, we will unlock the fourth key.  But first, a quick recap of the previous three in case you missed it.  Key 1 Sleep Challenge: go to bed at a consistent time…

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4 Keys to Fitness Success: 2 Water

Last week I looked at the importance of getting enough sleep each night to drive your fitness success and setting the challenge of establishing a consistent bedtime and wake time regardless of weekday vs. weekend.  I hope you took me up on the challenge and are starting to see a…

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4 Keys to Fitness Success: 1 Sleep

When we miss our goal, weight loss, strength gain, etc., it comes down to four areas we need to hit consistently. Getting results is simple in theory and hard in practice.  The four areas are not a secret or a simple life hack; they are what you have been told…

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How to Do The Glute Bridge

Glute Bridge variations are great for strengthening the glutes, a little obvious. Not so obvious is the Glute Bridge is great for relieving back tightness and hip flexor tightness. A well-executed Glute Bridge, with ribs and hips connected, will put you in a less extended pattern, often caused by improper…

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