3 Ways to Workout with a Knee Injury

knee injury


We all at some point or another end up tweaking our knee and end up with a knee injury. This really sucks, and it can easily be the excuse you are looking for to stop working out.

If you so happen to find yourself at this exact spot or know of a friend that is dealing with a knee injury, then you need to read this post and of course share after you’re done reading. 😉

First things first, I want to make it clear that if you have a knee injury you first need to get it checked out or if you are working with a physical therapist or doctor to make sure you get the ok to go back to doing exercise.

If you got the go ahead then lets move on.

What you need to know is exercises that put a lot of force on the knee are not great.

Examples: running, jumping, heavy squat, deep knee bending.

So these are out.

But what you can do are things that are more stationary and utilize the hip over the knee.

Examples: RDL’s, Bridges, Ball Ham Tucks, Cable Pullthroughs and Rack Pulls

You can also do most any upper body lifts, so for you guys and gals out there that were looking for an excuse to only do arms and chest, then a knee injury is your ticket to bi’s and tri’s paradise.

Some of you that enjoy activities like running and sprinting are wondering well how can I get my fix of cardio without pissing off my knee.

Well, it just so happens I wrote an article all about that over at WatchFit.com full of ways to get your cardio on, I also threw in a splash of humor for your reading enjoyment.

Read it Here Click Me


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