3 Biggest things I learned in 2016



I can’t believe it is that start of a new year; it seems this happens almost every year. And the soundtrack to Space Jam keeps becoming more and more relevant to me (you know, “time keeps on ticking, ticking into the future”.) as I become more and more dated with my references.

Such is life.

2016 was a year I felt I grew a lot as a person and learned a lot about the fitness industry and how to better communicate with a wide range of personalities. Here are just a few things I got out of this year that I think will benefit you, too.


Fitness is a Journey


Last February I went to the Big Apple for the first time. That in itself is a big accomplishment for an islander like myself, but that’s not what I am getting at.

I attended a conference while I was down there. There was one talk that was titled something like, “The Hero’s Journey” and it talked about the stages of one’s journey (discovery, meeting adversity, finding a mentor, and so on). At the time, I thought it was interesting but I didn’t really get the point.

Over the year I kept on thinking about this talk that I didn’t really like all that much, but it just kept popping back into my brain like a song you can get out of your head, like Creeds, “6 feet from the edge and I am thinking…” (you’re welcome). Try and get that song out of your head.

In one moment, I got it, it all made sense to me, the talk was so relevant. Every person I meet in this life is on this journey. Journeys take many forms; there is the journey of life, which is a massive journey, and there are smaller, personal journeys within that. As a coach, I get to help people along their journey of health and fitness.

I have been where they are going and I can help get them over obstacles they will face; I can see the next step. Fitness is a journey both mentally and physically and it has the potential to have great impact on the rest of someone’s larger journey through life.

We can all help each other by mentoring and encouraging the people that come after us. I have been where you want to go, let me help you. We all need a little help time to time.


It’s All About Perspective

It is all about how you look at things. Whether that is a moment in time, what someone says to you, or the situation you find yourself in.

This point ties in with the previous one. When starting something new it can seem very daunting and all you can think about is failing and that fear of failing can hold you in the same place, not allowing you to progress.

If you look at it in a slightly different way, we are always doing new things and you know what, for the most part they turn out fine. People say changing your diet is hard, and it is. If you have ever had to change jobs or go to a place that you aren’t familiar with, then you can change your diet. It is the same thing.

When you start a new job, it can be difficult being in a new environment, having new co-workers, and learning new skills. You will make mistakes and you will need help to make it through, but it is the same with any change. With perspective, you have done this before just in a different setting.

Another example: Just the other day I was frustrated with myself for not writing and reading as much as I would like to. I thought back to when I was in the best shape of my life and realized how hard I worked for it. I woke up every day at 4:30 am to work out and still worked 10 to 12 hour days. If I want to be great at something, I need to put the time in. I reminded myself that I have done it in the past and I can do it again, just this time focusing on being a better writer and educator.

Being able to recognize this has been a big help to me this year. Being able to pull yourself away from the details and look at the situation long term and from different points of view, can really give you perspective. This has helped keep me motivated and reminded me that I know I can do it, because I have already done it hundreds of times before.




When I was a younger coach I would over complicate things. This, for the most part, was done out of not full understating of things or it could be I just spent thousands of dollars on an education and I wanted to prove to everyone that I know some shit.

Well, with time hopefully comes understanding and with a better understanding comes simplification.

When it comes to staying healthy it is quite simple, but often over complicated. You need movement, you need good nutritious food, you need rest. Everyone knows that, but how you create the habit of good movement, nutrition, and rest is the million-dollar question. I believe it is through accountability and building a community that supports you.

My last simplification is in regards to programing. This is what you need:

Lower Push (unilateral and bilateral)

Lower Pull (unilateral and bilateral)

Upper Push (horizontal and vertical)

Upper Pull (horizontal and vertical)

Core (anti-flexion, anti-rotation, anti-extension, anti-lat flexion, carries, crawls)

Transvers movement


You don’t need all these movements every workout, you just need to get them in throughout the week.

I hope some of my realizations will help you succeed in this new year.


Have a great 2017.


Josh W


P.S. I am getting my pre-order list ready for “Williams Performance At Home Workout Builder”. If you want to workout from the comfort of your own home and have all the guess work taken out of programming a workout, then you need to sign up to be one of the first to receive my latest product.



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