10 Best Articles of 2014

We have had a great year at Williams Performance and it would not have been possible without you all. I have been busy scrounging through the posts of the past year and compiled this list of my 10 best articles of 2014. 1. Part I The Runners Dilemma: Feeling Great and Losing…

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How Results Work

  Lately, I’ve had the chance to work with a lot of wonderful new clients and a common question I’m being asked is: “Why haven’t I lost any weight yet?” The expectation with those new to weight-lifting is that results will come quickly and often. While that’s the case for…

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5 Considerations When Doing HIIT

  The word HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training is thrown around a lot in the fitness industry. Side Note: Don’t call it HIIT Training its like saying ATM Machine. Or High Intensity Interval Training Training it just don’t make sense. HIIT is a great way to increase your anaerobic…

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You’re an Athlete: So Train Like One

I hear it all the time from my athletes who think they know what their goals are. “I want to lift heavy weights” or “I want big arms” or “Isn’t CrossFit better for athletic development?” These questions come from not knowing the difference between a bodybuilding or mass program, a…

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